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6 days ago4 min read
Is Generation Gap the reason for your work frustration?
How often do you feel at work that it is challenging to collaborate with a colleague, and it feels like you are speaking a different...
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Sep 17, 20243 min read
Are you or your team able to evolve in an adverse business reality? 6 Pillars to consider
Few days back I was attending the 16th World Conference for Person-Centered and experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling...
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Aug 30, 20243 min read
10 reasons you didn’t know that a Psychotherapist can transform the business
‘’Psychotherapy in business? What are you talking about? Of course, we care about employee’s mental health, and we encourage them to take...
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Aug 13, 20243 min read
Help! Business stress follows me on vacation?
This is a blog post I hope none needs to read, but, unfortunately, I know that a lot of professionals will find it useful. The eternal...
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Aug 5, 20243 min read
Business Coaching will NOT work for you! Here is why!
When I discuss with clients who had worked in the past with coaches, in some cases I come across examples, that the outcome was not as...
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Oct 18, 20223 min read
''A Successful woman in business...''
A few days back, I was doing some research and I came across this quote from my beloved Maya Angelou. Although I think it is more...
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Oct 10, 20222 min read
Protecting Mental Health at Work is everyone's duty
Today is World’s Mental Health day, and my mind cannot avoid going to people who suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, or panic...
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Dec 20, 20213 min read
''How I motivated my Virtual team!''
As always, the best advice one can give, is the advice one gains from experience. So today I thought it would be useful to share with you...
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Dec 6, 20213 min read
Starting a new business? Check to see if you are ready
Are you thinking of starting your own business? Excited, but also worried to death about how it's going to turn out? Having thoughts as...
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Nov 29, 20214 min read
''Ι love your service but you are expensive...'' - The real reason behind
One of my yesterday’s coaching sessions inspired me to write this blog as I see it’s a common issue for several of my clients, so...
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Nov 23, 20212 min read
Cracking the code to achieve better business results in 2022
As we near the end of 2021 it is common for us to think about our year's progress, or in some cases, lack of it. ‘’ 2021 was a year of...
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Nov 18, 20213 min read
5 great reasons to work with a business coach
If you are an Entrepreneur, Leader, Manager of any kind of team or a company owner, I know that maybe at some point you've wanted to know...
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Nov 9, 20212 min read
Are you doubting your decision-making skills?
Decision making is an important skill we need in both our professional and personal life. Talking about business, if you're a Leader, a...
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Mar 16, 20213 min read
Entrepreneurship: 5 essential success factors I inherited from my Grandpa
When I was in the university, I remember dreaming about developing my own business, travelling around the world and having a lot of...
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Mar 9, 20212 min read
How can I motivate my team when I struggle myself?
Leading a team is a demanding role and requires a set of knowledge, emotional intelligence, and positive energy. ‘’Motivation’’ is a buzz...
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Feb 9, 20212 min read
4 Top challenges Leaders often face ... but rarely admit
Being in a leadership role, such as becoming a manager, a director or even a board member can be exiting but also stressful. Either it’s...
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Feb 2, 20213 min read
4 lessons I learned from WFH during COVID-19
I remember my first ‘’working from home’’ experience 10 years back. It is still so vivid in my mind. I was so excited that I had the...
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Jan 21, 20213 min read
Not being heard enough in a business discussion? Make a Turn!
If you already have some years in business, you are probably familiar with a situation where you are in a meeting and the discussion is...
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Jan 19, 20213 min read
Why practicing gratitude was not working for me before? … but it is working now!
The last two decades psychology has introduced ‘’gratitude’’ as a ‘’tool’’ to move away from uncomfortable emotions and enjoy happiness....
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Jan 12, 20213 min read
Mind the Gap between Patience and Procrastination! (5 Check points to consider)
Living in a world that technology has helped us significantly accelerate the speed of completing a task, for example analyze data,...
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